Monday, 2 December 2013

Eat to stay slim! is an online platform that allows wellness, beauty and fitness outlets and experts to connect with the customers. With Qurly you have all the wellness related information just at the click of your mouse.

Many people wrongfully think that to stay slim and fit, it is necessary to skip meals and eat less. But, it is a proven fact that we don’t get fat by eating, rather we get fat by eating wrong things. According to slimming centres in Delhi, if we eat right and follow a healthy diet plan, no matter how much we eat, we never gain those extra kilos and stay slim and fit. So, let’s have a look at how eating healthy can help you remain slim and fit.

•Don’t skip your breakfast. Research shows breakfast eaters are more successful at long-term weight loss than those who skip this meal. It jump-starts your metabolism and prevents you from overeating later in the day.
•Avoid white processed carbohydrates. They are high in calories and sugar, so limiting them is a healthy strategy.
•Add red pepper flakes, chopped jalapeƱos, and hot pepper sauce to their meals. It makes food taste delicious and turns down hunger, so you eat less.
•A well-timed snack that is a combination of carbs and proteins keeps your blood sugar steady and can prevent you from binging when you sit down for your next meal.
•The fitness centres in Delhi suggest, the more you deprive yourself of a food item, the more you'll crave it. So don't completely strike off pizza and chocolate cake from the menu, but eat it less frequently and in smaller portions.
•There's nothing worse than getting stuck at a fast-food joint from hell when you're very hungry. Avoid that fate by keeping non-perishable foods like nuts, dried or dehydrated fruit, a packet of peanuts, a fruit or a small box of carrots handy. Be sure to carry a water bottle so you don't confuse thirst with hunger.

When it comes to staying fit, eating smart is the key. Therefore, instead of starving yourself it is better to eat healthy and nutritious. Despite eating healthy if you are still unable to lose weight then you should visit to find the best slimming centres and gyms in Delhi. Qurly brings the world of wellness to you, just at the click of mouse.