Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How Should Lean Individuals Plan Their Exercise Regimen

Exercise, workout is often associated with obese people. It is a misconception among people that only people with excess fat should exercise; but this is totally false. According to the best fitness centers in Delhi, in order to lead a healthy life and have a good personality, you need to have a fit body which is neither too fat nor too thin. So, if you are a thin person and struggling to gain healthy weight, here are some exercises to make your body fit and healthy.

Focus more on compound exercises
Do on compound exercises like squats, bench press, leg press, dead lift, lunges, step ups, shoulder press and bent over rows to build major muscle groups and add definition to your body.

Exercises for better body definition
Plyometrics and high-speed training will give your body better definition and give you faster results. 

Muscle building exercises
 Skinny people may need to lift heavier weights to build muscle (full body lifting, three days a week). Using supersets are effective for skinny women. Bodyweight exercises also work well to build muscle.

Strength training
Try exercise machines such as a leg press or rowing machine at the gym, or lift weights daily. The best gyms in Delhi advise that most adults should do strength training at least two days per week; in order to stay fit and in shape.

Eat healthy
If you're just beginning an exercise routine, you'll need to eat more to gain weight. Try to eat small portions throughout the day rather than focusing on three big meals. Protein is an especially good choice for a new workout routine because it is relatively high in calories and helps you build muscle. Carbohydrates will help you maintain your energy.

How to find the best gyms in your city?
Finding a good gym is equally important as maintaining a healthy exercise routine. So, don’t waste time looking for good spas in your area, simply visit- http://www.qurly.in/
And find the best gyms in Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai and other big cities in India. Qurly has some of the best wellness outlets listed on their website that helps you achieve a healthy body and good life.

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